1. The best and most important thing for you to do is start reading to them as early as possible. Reading to them helps them in so many ways, and it is a bonding experience for the two of you.

2. When you read to them allow them to sit right next to you so they can see the words on the pages as well as the pictures. This will allow for them to get an idea of how you read, the format, and when you repeat books, (which you will often) they recognize the story. This will help them get a fill for the words since they know the story by heart. You can even point to some of the words as you read so they can learn that way as well.
3. Incorporate different reading and spelling games into your daily activities with your elementary aged children. Playing games that incorporate reading and spelling into them, is an excellent way for them to learn. It not only encourages them, but brings the two of you closer. Some fun games you can play with them are the following.
4. Sound out different items around your house. Ask them what is sounds like it starts with.
- Ask them to point out items around your home that start with the same letter.
- When driving tell them what different signs say.
- Sing some songs you make up spelling out words.
5. Play games which require reading skills (age appropriate).
- Play charades with words they can sound out.
- Again read to them, it is very important.
6. Children are like little sponges, and they can learn so much from an early age. Stating them off at an early age is a great way to teach them and get them off to the best possible start they can have. Reading is the best thing you can do to help them learn to read for themselves.